Settings for the Facebook Pixel & Conversions API

Table of Contents

To give you more control over how you use your Facebook Pixel, you can now decide whether to use your pixel for advertising and analytics purposes or for analytics only. You can also choose what types of cookies to use with your Facebook Pixel.

NB. Complianz will select the Advertising version of the Facebook Pixel by default (as does Facebook). Please change these settings in Facebook, before adding the pixel to another category in Complianz Privacy Suite. Please read this article for more information on how to categorize services manually.

Decide how to use your Facebook Pixel

We are introducing a new setting that allows you to control whether your pixel is used for advertising and analytics purposes or for analytics only.

  1. Advertising and Analytics

    This is the default option and is the way you’ve been using the Facebook Pixel. Choose this option to continue using advertising features such as audiences, conversions, targeting, and optimization, as well as Facebook Analytics data. Please note that pixels associated with an ad account must use the Advertising and Analytics option.

  2. Analytics only

    You can choose to use your pixel for analytics purposes only. You will only see this option if your pixel is not associated with an ad account. You can access Facebook Analytics data for site analytics purposes, but not for audience or campaign creation. Please note that if you use your pixel with the Analytics Only option and later choose to associate that pixel with an ad account, it will be converted to the Advertising and Analytics option.

Decide what types of cookies to use with your Facebook Pixel

Cookies are small pieces of code stored in Internet browsers that are often used to distinguish between website visitors.

You can now use both first- and third-party cookies with your Facebook Pixel. The difference between first- and third-party cookies lies in who owns the cookie.

First-party cookies are owned by the website a person is currently viewing, while third-party cookies belong to a website other than the one a person is currently viewing. Compared to third-party cookies, first-party cookies are more widely accepted by browsers and stored for longer periods of time.

The options for using cookies with your Facebook pixel are:

  1. Use the Facebook Pixel with both first and third-party cookies

    From 24 October 2018, this is the default option for Facebook pixels. With this option, you will use first-party cookie data with your Facebook pixel, in addition to third-party cookie data. This option is recommended if you use your Facebook Pixel for advertising because using both first- and third-party cookies will enable you to reach more customers on Facebook, and be more accurate in measurement and reporting.

  2. Use the Facebook Pixel with third-party cookies only

    You can disable first-party cookies and use the Facebook pixel with third-party cookies only. With this option, your Facebook Pixel will be less effective in reaching customers on Facebook and less accurate in measurement and reporting.

How to check your pixel and cookie settings

  1. Log in to your Facebook advertising account, and go to Events Manager located in the main menu under Measure and report.

  1. Select your pixel, then click on the Details button on the top right-hand corner to check its settings.
  2. Under Pixel and cookie settings, edit or confirm your preferences. If your pixel is associated with an ad account, you will not see pixel usage settings.

  1. If you choose to edit pixel usage, you will have two options: Advertising and Analytics, and Analytics Only.

Cookies and privacy

The Facebook Business Tools Terms require you to clearly disclose to your website visitors how you use cookies and how you share data collected on your websites with third parties. Please review your cookie-related disclosures to ensure that they are consistent with your practices. You can also inform your website visitors that they can view their Facebook ads settings and update their preferences at any time.


The Facebook Conversions API

The Facebook Conversion API is Facebook’s answer on the current privacy status concerning ePrivacy and iOS AppTrackingTransparency. The latest updates will make it harder for users to collect trustworthy personal data on visitors and customers due to enhanced privacy settings.

Although the API is designed to fire events via the server, and not the browser with cookies, it does not mean the Conversions API is not subject to ePrivacy guidelines, GDPR or other privacy laws.

Cookieless Tracking

Cookieless tracking seems to be the new step to overcome certain “Cookielaws”. The misconception however is that the popular name: “Cookielaw” is not necessarily correct, as many privacy guidelines and laws mention Cookies, but is not its singular focus. It focuses on the wider concept of privacy in the age of electronic communication. Which of course includes API’s as well.

Integrating the Conversions API with Complianz

Configuring the Facebook Conversions API is recommended as an additional layer to the already implemented Facebook Pixel. The API will be a fallback if the Pixel doesn’t work or when some details can’t be processed. 

We have tested the implementation with Complianz with the plugins the Official Facebook for WordPress and PixelYourSite, whereby the latter has an easy implementation including a test event available in your Facebook dashboard.

As the Conversions API is still hooked to the Facebook Pixel, the current status is Complianz works with both the API and Pixel, when combined.

An implementation with Tag Manager (Server-side) is not yet tested, but consent should be configured easily in Tag Manager itself with either Consent Mode, or our Events or Cookies.

If you have any questions, please let us know.

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Complianz has received its Google CMP Certification to conform to requirements for publishers using Google advertising products.